8 myths about websites on CMS

8 мифов о сайтах на движках


“CMS (site engine) is a constructor …”


An engine is not a constructor. Services GoogleSites, Prom.ua, WIX, Tilda – constructors. Engine, or CMS, is a general content management system.


Once again, CMS: System. Management. Content.


Whatever the system – self-written or not – if there is no control system on the site, then there is no possibility for the user to make changes to the content and design of the site without knowing the code. A client who knows this understands that a self-written CMS … right, the same CMS. Only self-written.


The popular CMS is created and created by a worldwide community. Self-written – not so thoroughly tested, checked, it was written by a certain studio, a certain person who is unlikely to introduce a client.


The site owner is interested in a convenient admin panel, which has been tested for many years. Due to the “self-made” admin panel of a self-written system is more wretched than the admin panel of the same WordPress.


“Sites on popular CMS are sites of low quality, any serious company will not spare money for a programmer and a self-written CMS”



Poor quality sites are sites with poor quality content, spam, tricks, and more. Any site turns into such a site: a popular CMS, a self-written CMS, no CMS at all – if 1) do not monitor the site, 2) be a fraud, 3) give access to the “wrong” people, and so on. And so – yes, a large corporation will not spare money for a programmer. For a full-time programmer. To the staff programmers department. And a client who does not need the services of a programmer needs a high-quality website on a proven engine every day.


Why do some developers impose websites on their clients on their self-written CMS? Because the client, who once paid them money, forever depends on them and is “tied” exclusively to their service. Want to change your developer? Most likely, you will order the site again, because many self-respecting developers will not want to understand someone else’s code. This is akin to going into the head of a previous programmer and figuring out how everything works there. Easier to rewrite. And what does this give an unscrupulous developer? That’s right, absolute power over the client’s site.


“Any schoolchild can make a website with the help of CMS, if he does not regret mastering this constructor for several hours.”



Seriously? And if you try?


The student can install the engine. To install a theme and plugins, you already need an elementary understanding of what is FTP-protocol for uploading files to a server. A schoolboy is unlikely to bring the site professionally to mind so that the customer receives a finished product.


In general, the phrase “any student” is a separate topic. Who is more likely to master new technologies – a student in grades 10-11 or a student with a predisposition to the exact sciences who is accustomed to certain work algorithms?


Practice shows that they are approximately equal. But the phrase “any schoolboy” sounds much “tastier”. First grader, what is already there. In practice, not every adult client can independently master even the simplest WordPress admin panel, including people with higher education: techies, philologists, people of creative professions. This is in practice. Everything is individual. In these cases, we conduct training and you manage to manage the site. But the generalization “anyone can make a website in a few hours” is fundamentally wrong.


“When creating a website on the engine, no one learns programming languages, does not draw up an architecture plan, does not draw up a database, does not master the layout.”



Don’t be fooled. Website development on engines includes all of the above skills. The engine is a system from databases, from files .php, .js, .css, etc. Everything is edited if necessary. CSS stylesheets correspond to design, scripts correspond to additional functions, PHP code is responsible for server-side functionality. All components of the engine are edited by the layout designer and the programmer with the participation of the designer.


“To create a website on the engine, no one learns the basics of web design, coloring and the basics of composition. Ready-made templates are used, which are rarely edited for the needs of the customer. Templates are most often universal, sharpened for a wide consumer, so there is no need to bother, for example, with matching colors.”



Manipulation. Why are they rarely edited? This is done ALWAYS, and EVERYTHING is edited according to the needs of the customer – you should not mix concepts and weave the design to the engine. Color compatibility, style and design are the job of a professional designer. This has absolutely no effect on the choice of engine. Also, you can use a ready-made CMS, and write a theme, or template, from scratch. This is also not necessary, since there are a large number of templates that you can invent from the principle of your own to reinvent the wheel. The template is reworked and sharpened for a specific site, it changes so much


“The CMS will do everything for us, and it’s completely free!”


Manipulation. Not everything. There are CMS that are distributed free of charge. There are those that are paid. There are paid plugins for free engines, free versions or paid extensions for free versions – there are many combinations. And yes, the paid plugin for free WordPress is professional, cool and built by expensive studios.


“You don’t have to be a hacker to hack a site, any grandma can do it.”


Let’s go! Find a grandmother and try. Or, wait, is that Grandma Grace Hopper, “Grandma Cobol”, the creator of the Cobol programming language in the 60s? Then maybe. But seriously, the concept of “hacking a site” is quite loose. What kind of hacking do you mean? Unauthorized login to your admin account? Hacking the database? Or something else? Many of hacking methods are mainly reduced to “brute force” method – brute force password.


Sure, website security is a separate important topic. When creating a site, reliable plugins are used, the site is checked for vulnerability. A conscientious developer thinks about the security of the site when developing, even on a self-written CMS.


Now the question: who owns all the code and knowledge of all the loopholes and vulnerabilities of a self-written CMS? That’s right, studio`s programmer. Can the client figure out the code on their own? Is it easy for client to ask a third-party developer to analyze the engine code? Nope.


“Search engines don’t like Sites on popular CMS very much”


Who exactly – Google or someone else? Not a single search engine representative has ever stated that CMS sites are pessimized in search results. This myth is popularized by the authors of self-written CMS. There is a flip side to this myth: “Search engines are very fond of Web sites on popular CMS”. This myth is popularized by CMS representatives. Both are unfounded. Fact one: search engines love sites with clean code and copyrighted content, which are developed, updated and competently adaptively laid out. It’s official. This is confirmed by experience.

In total

What is CMS

CMS – a “content management system” without changing the code. With the help of the engine, the client can manage the site himself without programming skills. The second name of the engine is CMS (content menagment system). The engines are divided into: free and paid, popular and rare. Today, most of the popular engines solve most of the typical tasks. With the help of plugins, the site on the engine is supplemented with new functionality: an online store, a forum, a blog, a social network, and so on. This is to simplify, because on the basis of the engine, you can “preprogram” any functionality: write author’s plugins, scripts, modify engine components, and so on.


Why sometimes self-written CMS is needed?

To create websites with atypical tasks, programmers write a website from scratch. They write a “self-written CMS ” so that the client can manage the site on his own. This is longer, more expensive and is done when ready-made engines cannot cope with the task – for solving exclusive problems or for corporations that spend money on a staff of developers. For most sites, the functions of popular engines are enough. Unique site – author’s design and content, not “author’s code”. The design, content and functionality of the site are separate concepts.



Myths about popular CMS

Programmers who have learned to program self-written CMS convince people to order sites on self-written engines. In an attempt to justify in the slightest degree why a self-written CMS is needed, they write emotional articles in the style of “popular systems are bad and, in general, constructors for schoolchildren.” By the word “constructor” they mean something unprofessional and keep silent that the CMS is not a constructor. They are silent that they themselves wrote the CMS. For a person who does not understand the intricacies of the case, some statements sound “similar to the truth.” Also: not every time a new CMS is written for a client. Nothing prevents a programmer from writing an CMS once and selling it every time under the guise of a new one.


Myths are misleading.

As a result, a category of clients appears who apply to the studio to create a website with typical functionality and send links to similar articles under the heading “and yes, please note, I read THIS too, so give me everything self-written and from scratch, I’m educated.” The client hears in response the price for an exclusive and gets upset, asks for “something for a limited budget.” Once again, we explain what’s what and select an option from popular CMS.


As a result: the engine and functionality were selected, the design was created, integrated into the CMS – the site is ready. The client is satisfied and promises not to read provocative articles in the future. One of the articles that was sent to us can be called “Collection of myths and legends about popular engines.” Based on the article, we have covered the main myths about CMS above.



Also, the author of the article told a touching story about a programmer who did not cope with the Magento CMS interface. A smart, serious person spent three hours trying to make changes through the system code instead of using the online store’s admin panel. Well, yes, making changes to an online store through a code is like opening a car with an ax while holding a key in your hands.


Articles like this are manipulation. The authors convince them to order a website from them, and on a self-written CMS, which, in principle, is several times more expensive.


Please prove you are human by selecting the Plane.